Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shower Myself As to Soothe My Own

There are always ways to eradicate one's stress effectively. It is based on one's preference and their comfortability of choosing the mediums available next to them.

For me, standing under the flow is enjoyable. Whenever I feel stress, I would take a break and stand under the shower, let the current splashing on my back and chest. Imagine that the flow slowly wash off the stress and anything that burden me. Can I call it as water therapy? I think this could be a proper term. Of course, those who fear of water might not be an ideal solution for them. But thing can slowly adapt if you are physically and mentally prepared. Let me further my experience of being a hydrophobia for over twenty years.

The story begins from an evening when I was only nine years old, my family used to go picnic with my uncle's family at the beach a stone's throw away from my hometown. I have a gigantic size cousin who is a bit aggressive when playing something. He is the one who caused the first phobia developed in me. Whilst waded myself in a shoulder deep sea water, my cousin suddenly pressed my head down into the water. I was a weak boy who didn't know how to swim that I got fear and crawl under the bottom of the sea up to the shore. Since that incident, the fear kept on pestering me.

Few months later, my brother brought me to a large drain connected to the river. After crossing the drain, he left me alone on the other side while himself walked back to the car. to my horror, I kept on shivering as stared at the wavy current in the drain. I begged my brother for helping me to cross the drain, but he thought something funny about me and refused to offer his hand. Finally, I had to cross the drain my own pace by pace. Before reaching to the other side, I almost missed a step, luckily my brother grabbed at my hand and pulled me up. Since then, the fear developed even deeper than the first experience. It's totally awful for me.

Owing to the aforementioned incidents, I suffered from hydrophobia. Each time I stepped into the bathroom, the fear came. Worst still, when I pour the water on me, I felt suffocated and uneasy. Just in seconds I could finish my bath. I patted myself dried immediately and stepped out the bathroom. Strangely, everything turned normal.At time, when I was in bed, I could jumped out of bed and struck by extreme panicky. I felt utter desperation as well as suicide thought even came up in my mind. I ever seek for psychiatrist help, but to no avail, none of his suggested method could help me. It was the total hopeless moment I had had in my life.

Then, I started to go online and surf for any information concern with my condition. Finally, I came across one therapy known as meditation. At first, I didn't really agree with this idea because I had tried out ceaseless methods before as well as spending thousand dollars on my own. In the end, I still gave it a try.

To begin it, I sat still in an upright posture in a quieter room. Then, clear my mind by imagine a large box appear in my head, gradually I shove all the junks, worry, fears as well as stress into the large box and closed tightly. Next, imagine that the box sent off faraway from my body and vanished for good. I practiced this for months and in later days, something miracle really occurred.

The fear in the bathroom no longer exists in myself now, everything turn from fear into an enjoyable bath. Thanks god for blessing me and pointing out the right way to happiness in my life.


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