Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My life is full of sadness, a sadness which dominated for long in my world. Whenever I tried to be happy and stayed in exuberant mood, sadness, angerness always struck out and overtook my only possession.

At time, I just couldn't control my mood. I argued with my family members, I punished the kids in my family badly without feeling sympathy to them, but, later, I realised, I was being brutish. I brought psychologically impairment to them. I knew, I have been suffered from depression for long. I just do all my best with the greatest effort I could to pull myself out of the situation. I long for a precious life, life without angerness, life free from stress. However, everything just a fake. In fact, I was bewildered by my fantasy. The figment of my imagination has been lying me for decades and eventually making me over obsessed of the images occurred in my mind.

To be frank, each time I shouted, and talked rudely or even punished the kids in my family, it will always end up with sadness. I feel sorry for everything, but I had no idea where to say my apology. It seems like I have to take the harsh feeling in myself without understanding by the others. No...No...No...No... I guess the only way I could do to restore the peace in myself is taking arsenic or taking any painless alternatives to end my precious life without worry.

Life of a nine months,
born without fears,
reaching to my tall age,
suffers and tears sprouted,
my hope gone despair,
knowing nothing great,
I chant, lay peacefully,
I chant, leaving everything,
for what I ever longing for...

Thursday, August 14, 2008








Monday, June 23, 2008

SPM Class

Among the classes in ESG I ever been to, obviously SPM class stand out the most as my classmates are all hyperactive. I guess this is the class I'm looking for years. In fact, I ever attended many tuition classes previously and found out this is the class I fund of and lots of things I could learn where I never came across in other places. For example like vocabularies and grammar which are raging from

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Adakah Hukuman Rotan Itu Sesuai Digunakan?

Dalam dunia yang serba moden ini, kerja guru-guru di sekolah semakin mencabar. Ini berikutan dengan pelajar-pelajar dalam ala ini semakin hari semakin liar sikap. Mereka menjadi lebih degil dan berani menentang guru mereka semata-mata untuk menunjukkan kepadaian dan kebranian yang dimiliki sendiri.

Memandangkan keadaan menjadi semakin sulit, kementerian pendidikan telah mengambil langkah proaktif untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan memperkenalkan suatu sistem yang agak mengerunkan, iaitu hukuman rotan. Hukuman rotan boleh dikatakan suatu sistem yang berkesan terutamanya bagi murid-murid sekolah rendah, persoalannya, adaka hukuman rotan juga boleh member kesn efektif terhadap pelajar di sekolah menengah?

Berdasarkan suatu laporan yang dibuat mendapati hukuman rotan tidak sesuai dilaksanakan di sekolah menengah. Ini disebabkan pelajar sekolah menengah yang biasanya terdiri daripada golongan yang berumur 12 hingga 18 itu merupakan tahap dimana mereka masih mengalami proses tumbuhbesaran bahkan fizikal mahupun mental. Dalam proses tersebut, kebanyakan mereka akan bersifat liar dan mudahtersinggung, oleh itu, hukuman rotan memang tidak sesuai digunakan ke atas mereka. Sekiranya sistem ini masih diteruskan, pihak guru khuatiri mereka akan menjadi sasaran pelajar dalam hal balas dendam. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa pelajar yang telah dihukum oleh seseorang guru dengan sebatan rotan akan berasa marah dan benci akan guru tersebut, tetapi mereka masih dalam kawalan peraturan sekolah. Oleh itu, meeka seakan-akan meyimpan perasaan benci dan dendam itu dalam diri mereka sehingga hilang kawalan, lalu melakuka sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya seperti mencalarkan kereta guru atau menumbuk guru tanpa memikirkan akibatnya.

Sepertimana yang dikatakan, hukuman rotan memang tidak membawa apa-apa faeadah kepada si pelaku dan juga guru yang terlibat,justeru suatu langkah yang lebih efektif haruslah diselidik dan laksanakan serta-merta. Antaranya ialah menggunakan cara bimbingan kaunseling atau guru-guru sendiri haruslah meluangkan lebih banyak masa bersama pelajar mereka agar lebih memahami seseorang keperluan seseorang pelajar. Selain daripada itu, mendengar keluhan isi hati dari pelajar serta memberi nasihat juga merupakan suatu langkah yang bakal mengurangkan masalah sosial di sekolah.

Sebenarnya, guru-guru juga boleh memainkan peranan penting sebagai seorang penjaga yang setia kepada mereka. Membntu mereka dari semasa ke semasa. Maklumlah dengan bantuan seorang guru yang berdedikasi, segala kesulitan yang dialami oleh pihak sekolah akan dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

Kevin Davidson

Adakah Kepercayaan Karut dan Tahyul Perlu Dielakkan?

Hantu, jin, ifrit merupakan isu hangat yang diperkatakan oleh segelintir masyarakat yang masih berpegang kepada kepercayaan tahyul dan karut. Namun, adakah semua ini suatu kebenaran atau semata-mata mistik yang masih belum dibuktikan secara saintifik.

Berdasarkan pendapat pakar-pakar psikologi menyatakan bahawa semua benda halus yang dikatakan sebelum ini berkemungkinan hasil daripada imaginasi seseorang, kemudian disebarkan dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang bakal mempengaruhi minda seseorang secara agresif. Menurut Encik Kevin Davidson, seorang insan yang memiliki keupayaan untuk menjangka dan melihat sesuatu yang tidak boleh dilihat oleh orang biasa adalah dikenali sebagai "Sixth Sense" dalam dunia saintifik, kebenaran akan perkara ini masih belum ada jawapannya. Orang yang memiliki keupayaan tersebut sememangnya mampu melihat benda halus dengan mata telanjang tanpa memerlukan sebarang peralatan khas.

Mengikut pengalaman Encik Kevin, beliau merupakan salah seorang yang boleh melihat merasakan dam menjangkakan sesuatu perkara sebelum ia berlaku. Katanya, pelbaga fenomena pelik akan berlaku sebelum anda berpeluang melihat keadaan sebenar melalui intuisi anda itu. Contohnya, terlihat bayang-bayangan yang mengerunkan, berasa miruk dan fikiran menjadi kacau-bilau, ini terutamanya bagi pekara buruk yang akan melanda. Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa semua ini sedikit sebanyak berkaitan dengan kacauan dari jin atau ifrit.

Untuk membuktikan apa yang telah dikatakan beliau itu benar, pihak kami juga meminta Encik Kevin menjelaskan rupa bentuk bagi ifrit dan jin yang pernah dilihatnya. Setelah mendengar, kami berasa miruk dan berasa angin disekeliling menjadi makin sejuk. Barangkali itu cumalah suatu geragak normal. Memandangkan masa yang diperuntukkan itu tidak mencukupi, kru kita terpaksa berhenti menemu ramah beliau buat seketika, sekiranaya anda berminat untuk mengetahui yang lebih lanjut, ingatlah kembali lagi pada bila-bila masa...

Thursday, June 19, 2008



“請問這位姑娘會說中文嗎?” 我輕聲地問。
“日本語、お名前輪なんですか?” 那位姑娘以日語回答。





Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shower Myself As to Soothe My Own

There are always ways to eradicate one's stress effectively. It is based on one's preference and their comfortability of choosing the mediums available next to them.

For me, standing under the flow is enjoyable. Whenever I feel stress, I would take a break and stand under the shower, let the current splashing on my back and chest. Imagine that the flow slowly wash off the stress and anything that burden me. Can I call it as water therapy? I think this could be a proper term. Of course, those who fear of water might not be an ideal solution for them. But thing can slowly adapt if you are physically and mentally prepared. Let me further my experience of being a hydrophobia for over twenty years.

The story begins from an evening when I was only nine years old, my family used to go picnic with my uncle's family at the beach a stone's throw away from my hometown. I have a gigantic size cousin who is a bit aggressive when playing something. He is the one who caused the first phobia developed in me. Whilst waded myself in a shoulder deep sea water, my cousin suddenly pressed my head down into the water. I was a weak boy who didn't know how to swim that I got fear and crawl under the bottom of the sea up to the shore. Since that incident, the fear kept on pestering me.

Few months later, my brother brought me to a large drain connected to the river. After crossing the drain, he left me alone on the other side while himself walked back to the car. to my horror, I kept on shivering as stared at the wavy current in the drain. I begged my brother for helping me to cross the drain, but he thought something funny about me and refused to offer his hand. Finally, I had to cross the drain my own pace by pace. Before reaching to the other side, I almost missed a step, luckily my brother grabbed at my hand and pulled me up. Since then, the fear developed even deeper than the first experience. It's totally awful for me.

Owing to the aforementioned incidents, I suffered from hydrophobia. Each time I stepped into the bathroom, the fear came. Worst still, when I pour the water on me, I felt suffocated and uneasy. Just in seconds I could finish my bath. I patted myself dried immediately and stepped out the bathroom. Strangely, everything turned normal.At time, when I was in bed, I could jumped out of bed and struck by extreme panicky. I felt utter desperation as well as suicide thought even came up in my mind. I ever seek for psychiatrist help, but to no avail, none of his suggested method could help me. It was the total hopeless moment I had had in my life.

Then, I started to go online and surf for any information concern with my condition. Finally, I came across one therapy known as meditation. At first, I didn't really agree with this idea because I had tried out ceaseless methods before as well as spending thousand dollars on my own. In the end, I still gave it a try.

To begin it, I sat still in an upright posture in a quieter room. Then, clear my mind by imagine a large box appear in my head, gradually I shove all the junks, worry, fears as well as stress into the large box and closed tightly. Next, imagine that the box sent off faraway from my body and vanished for good. I practiced this for months and in later days, something miracle really occurred.

The fear in the bathroom no longer exists in myself now, everything turn from fear into an enjoyable bath. Thanks god for blessing me and pointing out the right way to happiness in my life.



你的離去,我永遠無法忘掉,你的微笑,都一直徘徊在我的腦海裏。如今,你讓我過著孤單生活,過去一切,已成爲我心中最美麗的歷史。我想了又想,這個世界已無法找到像你那麽單純,善良又美麗的女孩了。所以,我惟有的選擇就是。。。我們再相會吧!相信我`,愛是永恒的。 是純潔的, 不分你我, 給了你我永恒的力量, 是永不化解的結晶。



Something wrong happen to me? I guess so, early this morning, as soon as I got up from bed, I felt extremely tired and weak joints in every part of my body. Then, I accompanied my mum to the town area for marketing. It's a routine in fact, after marketing, we decided to have breakfast at a cafe just a stone's throw away.

Suddenly, my mum came up an idea of visiting the new market town located in Stutong Tabuan, after her suggestion, I suddenly blew out and told her I didn't like going to the market area again. But, she insisted going there for a visit, I was very unhappy and drove speedily. Whilst strolling around the market, I remained silent and shown a very unhappy expression towards everyone, it seemed like people around me were all my foes! Then, I walked for few steps and refused to go on, just waiting at he entrance. My mum something in me, she just went of the market and commented me for having bad tempered.

I didn't blame my mum in fact, but just that at time I really had a very weird characteristic that other couldn't understand even myself. I think something really wrong in myself. Do I have to refer to any psychiatrist? or just let it be? I'm still a single man, as what I heard from others said most single men or women, whenever they reached to certain age but still remain alone, they might develop a weird character even not noticing by their own. But it has been very obvious from other's view that I certainly had this element. When I have very stable emotion, I will get frustrated and feel that life is meaningless or something about commit suicide even came up in my mind. I wonder what's really going on or should somebody tells me about my fault.

What did I do wrong? Should I have to suffer like this throughout my life? You know, each time I get mad at my family members, especially my mum and dad, I will feel very sorry in later day, yet I just didn't know how to express my apology to them. They are really patient enough and always bear with my strange mood. It's really a mind disturbance for me. At time, I think of going somewhere else where no one could see me, and stranded myself there for over a period of time without meeting up anyone else out there. Tell you more, even my friends around me having the same thought on me. I supposed to name myself after quirky man! Why life has to be painful yet suffering from all kind of dreadful ordeal...SAD....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Love at First Sight

I never know how's the feeling of being love and the feeling of loving someone like, till one day I came across a pretty and slender lass...Three months ago, I was on my way to the nearest grocery to get some milk, abruptly I saw a lass sprained her leg and she knelt languidly by the pavement. After staring at her from my car for few seconds, I decided to help her as there was no one willing to give their hand to her. I didn't really look at her while offer my hand to her, but just simply glanced at her long wavy hair, then helped her to pick up the books and other stuffs scattered around.

As soon as I got her things up, she voiced and said a sweet " Thanks" to me. Guess what, I had palpitation in sudden. I wonder what happened to me, I had red cheek, the burning sensation running up my head. Without thinking much, I looked into her eyes and gave a charming smile. She seemed to be a little shame. She is absolutely a pretty lass I ever met in my life, she has wonderful smile, gorgeous look with pretty nice curvaceous. I just couldn't stop myself from asking more about her. Just a little while, I asked for her phone number, surprisingly, she gave her number without hesitation. Wow, I was really over the moon and promised her I would certainly gave her a call. She didn't speak much then, but just nodded her head with her sweet smile.

Since that day, we contact each other very often. whenever I have spare time, I would bring her travelling around or just making an excursion to the local beach. We both love evening that we spent almost every week going to the beach for witness the sunset. In the late evening, we love pampering each other by the seaside and enjoy the soothe gale from the sea. Sometimes, she would share her problem with me and I always be her sincere audience. To be frank, each of us had a lot of routine to catch up with, but we never missed a "Hello" call. After settling my work, I would always gave her a call and asking about her condition. The same thing she did to me.

I'm not trying to exaggerate the story but this is something really happened between us. After working hour, we just couldn't wait to see each other. I missed her gentle kiss and her hug. I love her so much more than everything else. Whenever she got into the kitchen preparing some luscious meal, I would always accompanied her and help her up with whatever I could. The best moment will be the time when she is cooking. I just loved to hug at her from the back and gave her a gentle kiss at her smooth cheek. As in return, she would always shows her affection to me. During valentine, I prepared everything for her whilst she was busying with her ceaseless work. I knew she must be shattered catching up with the deadlines. To not disappointed her, I even help to do the house chores. I never felt embarrass to perform those woman routines as jeered by some men. I think helping someone I love is worth and rewarding.

Soon, she got home with her shattered bod, I helped her with her bag and prepared hot bath for her. I knew she would never let me down, she even invited me to bath with her. GOSH!!! That's the moment I always waiting for, you won't be able to comprehend the inner feeling a man had when showering with someone he adores with. I just can't describe the feeling verbally, all in all, it's fun! He had our bath for twenty minutes good, then both of us put on a simple attires then slowly paces into the kitchen. She was shocked to find out lots of lucious food ready for her. I just couldn't express her thought in time, the only thing she could do just gave me a warm hug and sweet kiss.

Time flies, we got married after two years. We had our children, a boy and a girl. The love between us never fade off. Yet, we never fed up with our romance moment like hugging and kissing as well as watching the sunset by the seaside. Everything is still remain like before even though we have our children together with us. I always belief that love is for good...

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's crazy to Remain like a sicker

You may call me bonkers, damn head or anything else but promise not to call me a nut. Tell ya, I have been sick for two months, it's not serious, though, just a constant cough. At time, I really think of getting sick rather than stay healthy always. Hey, that's silly mate, I thought making myself sick and sick is something fun to play about, guess what, I had my cough two months ago and I refused to see the doctors for one simple reason, saving the dosh is more important than paying off the medication fee. Then, I delayed the consultation period until now for TWO MONTHS!!!!

Something bad really happened to me, I started to see patches on my skin throughout my limbs and bod, to me, those patches might be kind of allergy, again, I ignored it for weeks. GOSH!!! Something flare-up! the patches widespread like a hell and I was totally lost my head . I have to apply a thick cream repeatedly every three to five hours. Immediately, I dashed to a friendly and cute local physician, after a flash view, he diagnosed my condition...

Doctor: Vin, probably you are suffering from psoriasis.

Me: What do you say again? Psoriasis?

Doctor: Yes, Psoriasis, do any of your family members suffered from this as well?

Me: No, doctor, I never seen any of my family members have such patches on their skin, but of course i'm not that sure if the patches grow in their pants because they never reveal it to me.

Doctor: Then why don't you ask them for detail.

Me: I did, doctor. But it end up with a serious slap.

Doctor: Ok, let's not talk about it, come back to you. Do you have any other complain?
Me: Yes, as what you said, I have psoriasis and this mean i can't get married at all.

Doctor: You still can as long as your girlfriend doesn't mind about your skin complexion.

Me: But I will be very embarrass if she seen my little brother so ugly without a proper attire.

Doctor: No worry, what you got to do is just simple, put on new attire for your brother and everything looks new! I bet your wife or gf won't mind about how it looks like with a new attire, don't you think so?

Me: Probably...


Ever since then, I have to struggle myself to look for second opinion about my skin condition and today, I really found two opinions from an experience people. They pin-pointed at my skin condition and chew their tongue hard saying that wasn't psoriasis!!! It's just a secondary allergy caused by unknown factors.

Phew, what a relief... Now I dont have to worry about my little brother, oppss supposed be my bod skin:)

Thursday, June 5, 2008



By Kevin Davidson Dé Joseph Jee Chee Liong

In modern country, road is the basic facility needed for the functioning of a country or area. A road is known as an open way for travel or transportation. A city with high density of populations will need more roads in order to cope with congestion. However, since the appearance of the roads, the local authority was compelled to seek for a better way to curb the road accident from getting increase. Based on the survey runs by the Road Transport Department of Malaysia indicates that the death toll just within Malaysia has noted at the highest rate. Owing to the aforementioned, many drastic solutions have been taken to overcome the accident from recurring. However, those solutions were forfeited as the road accident still in an active state.

In fact, a suitable remedy for the problem needs a lot of effort and proper plan in order to achieve better. Everything needs to begin from the root as they are many unforeseen factors that contribute to road accident. It is crucial for us to behave well while driving, be tolerant and patient at all the time. Everyone should have cultivate these habits and adopt them as part of good virtue. Let’s recall the current situation, you may probably find out most accident case happened due to the driver’s fault. The road users nowadays are seriously lack of toleration as they never give way to others, on contrary, they attempt to speed up their vehicle and overtake the cars around them. Such an irrational attitude may increase the risk of getting fatal accident. Obviously, a little amendment on the personal attitude will affect the whole, thus reducing the rate of road accidents. Besides, road users should actively participate in any relating programme organized by the Road Transport Department as part of self-education or to alert themselves about the ways of being an obedient driver.

Basically, family education is the first to be accounted in curbing the road accident from prevailing. Parents nowadays are over emphasizing on academic education that they often neglected road safety. As you can see, the school children possess very little knowledge about road safety. As a result, they become the vulnerable group in this case. Although some awareness campaign has been organized in some secondary schools, but most of them take it as part of game instead of understanding its real objective. Therefore, it is crucially needed for a parent to educate their children about road safety since they are young. Pre-education is always effective in shaping out a generation with high virtue. To achieve this, parents should be the role model for their children by driving carefully or always obey to the traffic rules. This is said to be the most effective way in educating children about road safety. In the other hand, parents may explain every action involve while driving a car to their children in order to stimulate the children’s mind in conjunction with the real situation. This is the best way to make them into a comprehensible state. With this proper step, probably a grown out child will be reformed and be a good, tolerant as well as a patient driver. Other than that, parents should allow their children to expose themselves to various materials about road accident. For instant like news article, internet news, or any documentary videos that are related to accident case. However, parents should accompany their children and take the opportunity available to give explanation based on the scene they are watching at. This is due to most of the accident scene tends to be violent or gory, it is afraid that those scenario will interfere young children’s feeling. But with a proper explanation from their parents, it will be something educational to them.

Parents are not the sole party to be blamed; school does play an important role in reducing accident case happen around the school area. In Malaysia, a special law has been set to protect the school pupils or students. According to the law, any accident take place in within the school area, the drivers should be responsible for the whole even though the accident was caused by the reckless students. In fact, government should view on a more sensible way before released the law. Such an act does not help at all but elevate the situation. This is because students may become more arrogant that they eventually ignore the cars around them whilst crossing the road. As suggested, school should arise more awareness campaigns and try not to restrict the age group. Moreover, it is necessary to hold seminar from time to time or organizing some quizzes about road safety in order to give a deeper impression among the students. By doing so, they will know better about the do’s and don’ts while accessing the road.

To make the effort even more efficient, the society should take part in running some activities to arise the public awareness about road accident. The leader of the local council is urged to seek for more solutions towards the problem. Currently, the infrastructure in some areas is still in bad condition where roads are not properly constructed. A bumpy or jagged road is the main factor that leads to the increment of road accident. Thus, the local authority should take up the rapid step in maintaining the road. In addition, some urban towns are lack of overcrossing. Imagine a busy road without overcrossing; pedestrians have to risk their lives crossing the road. This is the main subject that the local council should take into consideration and bring it to the parliament. As the remedy, they should construct more overcrossings in areas with dense transportations. Traffic lights should be monitor constantly to ensure its stability and functionality. Meanwhile, the collaboration from the public is always the best way to solve any traffic problem. They should report any faulty found in the roads either to the Road Transport Department or Traffic Police Department. A persistent complaint will certainly improve the road condition, thus cut off the accident rates.

Actually, dealing with political matters is not the only job for the government. They too need to deal with various problems arose by its nation. Presently, government is struggling in maintaining the country economic and politics. But they are unaware of the road accidents are on increase. Frankly speaking, they did mention about ways to curb the problem from recurring, yet, there are no proper solutions carry out right this moment. It seems like they are in two minds whether the matters are under their control. Hence, the government should have focus more in road accidents. This does not mean they will have to ignore the job they supposed to do, but a little effort will be sufficient to lighten the current situation.

In a nutshell, the collaboration from all parties is crucially needed to eliminate the accident case from getting worse. Family education, school awareness campaign as well as public cooperation are the three major remedies which can effectively reduce the death toll of road accidents. Remember that self-discipline is still the thing to consider at first hand, without self-discipline, it’s barely hard to bring every rules and laws into effective state.

(1,213 words)

Mengimbau Tragedi Gempar Bumi May 12

Aku tidak menyangkakan segala-galanya berlaku dalam sekelip mata sahaja. Adakah itu takdir yang ditentukan oleh Allah s.a.w? Apakah aku turut ditakdirkan untuk teruskan hayatku di dunia yang penuh dengan cabaran ini? Pelbagai persoalan asyik bermain dalam fikiranku selepas tragedi 12 May 2008. Sekilas mengimbau kejadian itu, debaran hatiku masih aktif, ketakutan yang menghantui hatiku tidak pernah terpadam. Barangkali aku harus jadikannya sebagai memori yang bakal disampaikan kepada generasi masa depan, baik jadikan pedoman dalam hidup mahupun semata-mata cerita dari moyang mereka.

Sekembalinya ke May 12, iaitu pada hari Isnin, seperti biasa, aku bersama anak jiranku, Mei Mei berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Sebelum itu, aku berasa leka sekali untuk bangun dari tidur kerana selepas membantu dalam sawah ibu, aku pasti rasakan kengalihan yang tak terhingga itu. Sedangkan kerja memboreng di kaki gunung sebelah barat rumahku itu tak enteng, ini telah menyebabkan tubuhku hampir rebah dibuatnya. Maklumlah semua kerja itu adalah rutin, tidak kisah sesusah manapun, aku tetap membanting empat keratku dan merana disitu. Pasal sekolah, itu langsung tidak boleh disoalkan, kerana ia tetap menjadi obligasi bagi kita sebagai remaja. Secara bangat-bangat, aku terjaga dari tiduran yang manis itu, aku terus bergegas ke bilik air untuk bersihkan diri lalu memakai pakaian yang sesuci dewi. Faham-faham sahajalah maksudku, iaitu baju sekolah. Justeru, aku bersama Mei Mei berjalan kaki menuju ke sekolah yang 3 kilometer jauhnya itu, nak kata jauh taklah sangat, kerana kami hanya mengambil masa 30 minit untuk tiba ke destinasi. Perjalanan itu kekal sama seperti sediakala, Cuma fenomena sekeliling kami nampak agak pelik, selain mendung, kegelapan yang masih menjelang itu alamak marabahaya akan melanda.

Setelah berjalan 2 kilometer, suatu kejadian yang tak pernahku saksikan selama ini telah muncul didepan mataku. Kelihatan anak-anak kodok keluar dari comber di sebelah jalan. Dalam sekelip mata sahaja, jalan itu menjadi gridit-pidit. Entah-entah kemana pergi anak –anak kodok itu. Dalam benakku, mereka seakan-akan berjauran sahaja. “ Adakah sesuatu akan terjadi?” bisik hati kecilku. Mei Mei turut terperanjat dengan fenomena itu dan asyik tertanya-tanya akan situasi tersebut, aku hanya membisu gara-gara aku sendiri juga dalam kebingungan. Wabadahu, kami teruskan perjalanan tanpa berceceh. Setibanya di sekolah, jam sudah menunjukkan 7 pagi. Nasib baik kami tiba tepat masanya. Tanpa berlengah-lengah, kami terus melangkah ke dalam kelas untuk menggerrayak baris pertama. Memanglah kerja setiap hari membosankan, imtihan tetap berakhir dengan imtihan. Aku bangat-bangat menyiapkan semua soalan lalu melemparkan mata kecilku ke luar tingkap. Segar sungguh apabila melihat pemadangan yang malar hijau itu, berat hatiku hendak menatap pada papan yang penuh dengan tulisan.

Semasa aku dan Mei Mei hendak menghantar kertas soalan kepada Cikgu Meng, tut-tut, kami berasa pening dan kaki itu seakan-akan tidak terpijak pada bumi. “Jangan-jangan apa-apa yang disangkakan itu betul-betul berlaku?’ bisik hatiku lagi. Mei Mei yang jeringkai itu tergocoh-gocoh memegang pada tingkat sebelah kananya kerana takut jatuh. Sekonyong-konyong itu, jeritan kedengaran. Cikgu Meng segera menyuruh anak-anak muridnya menyembunyikan diri dibawah meja. Oh, barulah aku sedar gempa bumi telah melanda. Keadaan kelas menjadi kacau-bilau dan ada pula hanya termegun bagai terkena pesona. Aku bersama Mei Mei langsung tiada peluang untuk melarikan diri dan hanya terdengar runtuhan yang bertalu-talu dari blok belakang. Gegaran ganas itu turut menyebabkan aku jelanak hingga terhungap-hungap. Apa yang aku terdengar buat tatapan terakhirku hanyalah jeritan tolong Cikgu Meng. Aku tersentak lalu tidak sedar diri.

Aku tidak ingat lagi berapa lama telah aku hilang kewarasanku. Apabila aku mendusin, Cuma kegelapan menyelubungi mataku. “Mei Mei! Mei Mei! Di mana kau berada?” sambil menjerit, sambil pandang-memandang sekeliling yang gelap-gelita. Alangkah terkejutnya aku, apabila terlihat Cikgu Meng berada di sebelah aku. Malang tidak berbaur, demi melindungi Mei Mei, Cikgu Meng telah mati dicucuk oleh besi bangunan yang sebesar 5cm besar lilitannya. Aku berasa miruk apabila melihat kepala Cikgu Meng telah kempis akibat dinding yang runtuh itu. Entah mengapa tuhan berbuat demikian terhadap Cikgu Meng, seorang cikgu yang bertanggungjawab, dan berkaliber telah hilang nyawanya begitu sahaja.. Aku langsung tak sampai hati melihat beliau mati dalam keadaan dahsyat. Disebabkan tubuh Cikgu Meng melindungi Mei Mei yang jeringkai itu, barulah Mei Mei berpeluang hidup. Namun, Mei Mei masih tidak tertahan dengan timbunan sisa bangunan yang tertinjak pada tubuhnya itu, lalu meninggal dunia serta-merta. Perit! Sungguh perit aku melihat kejadian yang penuh dengan kekejaman itu. Demi meneruskan hidup, aku terpaksa bertabah untuk menempuhi segala rintangan yang bakal aku hadapi.

Masa berlalu dengan cepatnya, tatapi, aku bagai manusia yang terpisah daripada dunia nyata. Suhu badanku semakin menurun akibat kelaparan, kedua-dua kaki aku pula tidak terdaya nak bergerak kerana terkena serpihan simen yang berat. Aku asyik tertanya akan nasibku yang malang ini, sama ada aku akan teruskan hidup atau melepaskan sahaja. Isyah-Allah ada-ada sahaja petunjuk dari Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Aku tidak percaya akan nyawaku berakhir disitu sahaja. Segala swadaya telah aku curahkan dan bergelut-gelut dalam timbunan, namun masih gagal melepaskan diri daripada cengkaman kuat. Seketika itu, aku mula kecewa dan teringin mati dengan cepat. Tiba-tiba, kedengaran pula percakapan orang yang samar-samar. Aku cuba menjerit sekuat hati, tetapi masih gagal dikesan oleh pasukan penyelamat. Rasa-rasa, sudah hari kedua aku berada dalam timbunan tersebut, aku berasa amat lapar dan tidak terdaya hendak menjerit. Demi teruskan hidupku, aku beranikan diri memakan cacing-cacing disisiku, apabila rasa kehausan, terpaksa pula aku minum air kencing sendiri. Gara-gara termakan semua benda itu, mulutku berbau mayat.

Memakan cacing dan minum air kencing bukanlah sesuatu yang menyeramkan bagiku, apa yang memeranjatkan aku ialah tubuh Mei Mei dan Cikgu Meng mula reput. Kelihatan muka mereka yang kembang lagi bernanah itu membuatkan aku tak henti-henti meluat. Pada hari ketiga, mayat-mayat yang berada disekelilingku mula mengeluarkan bau yang amat tidak menyenangkan. Rupa air muka mereka seakan-akan kertas yang direnyukkan.

Hari demi hari, aku cuma terlantar di posisi yang sama dengan harapan ada orang menyelamatkan aku. Bertapa gembiranya aku apabila terlihat cahaya samar menyinari tubuhku. Tak silapku, itu tanda orang telah menjumpai aku. Dengan cara pantas, aku cuba sedaya uapaya untuk menjerit pertolongan. Akhirnya, aku telah dekeluarkan dari timbunan yang dahsyat itu. Kelihatan sekeliling sekolah aku menjadi kelam-kabut, bangungan yang indah itu telah lenyap dalam dursina tersebut. Semasa aku disulungkan ke ambulans, terdengar pula tangisan yang memilukan hatiku. Walaupun aku salah seorang mangsa yang ditimbus dalam longgokan simen itu, tetapi aku tetap bersyukur kerana masih berpeluang hidup di dunia ini.

Dengan pantasnya, aku dikejarkan ke hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan kecemasan. Entah kenapa nasib malang pada hari itu datang bertimpa-timpa. Setibanya ambulans di suatu selekoh, aku tiba-tiba terlempar ke luar ambulans. Rupa-rupanya, tsunami telah melanda. Aku langsung hilang semangat untuk terus hidup kerana air yang deras itu membawa aku melulu ke tebing sungai. Peliknya, aku tetap dilindungi, tubuhku yang lemah tersangkut pada sebatang kayu yang memangkah. Tidak lagi aku terdaya melakukan apa-apa dan hanya menunggu hajatku disitu. Dalam sekelip mata lagi, aku dijumpai pasukan penyelamat. Aku dibawa pergi dari tempat kejadian dengan serta-merta melalui jalan air.

Kini, aku telah selamat sampai ke darat. Pandanganku semakin kabur kerana keletihan yang aku tanggungi selama beberapa hari dan nasib malang yang bertimpa-timpa itu telah membuatkan aku ganal mati. Setibanya di hospital, aku sudah tidak sedar diri. Selepas lima hari lamanya aku dilantarkan di hospital, tenaga yang hilang itu pulih perlahan-lahan. Namun, aku masih tidak dapat berkata apa-apa dan hanya mampu memanggutkan dan menggelengkan kepala. Demikianlah berakhirnya marabahaya yang disangka-sangkakan itu. Walaupun aku Berjaya diselamatkan, tetapi dalam benakku asyik terbayang bertapa sakit dan peritnya kehilangan Mei Mei dan Cigku Meng, demi menyelamatkan antara satu sama lain, mereka telah menggadaikan nyawa sendiri. Sekilas mengimbas kembali suasana yang penuh dengan gembar-gembar itu, teringatlah aku akan ilat yang tidak berhati perut itu. Perasaan benci dan geram rasanya sukar dipadamkan kerana aku telah diberitahu oleh pesakit di katil sebelahku, Pak Min Yang mengatakan kejadian gempar bumi itu telah meragut berjuta-juta nyawa yang tidak berdosa.

Hari demi hari, aku telah sembuh hampir 95%, semua pergerakan yang terhad sebelumnya telah aktif semula. Masalahnya, percakapan aku masih berdolak-dalik kerana mengalami kecederaan di bahagian leher. Kata doktor, ia mungkin memerlukan masa yang agak panjang untuk pulih sepenuhnya. Lantaran itu, aku meminta izin untuk bersiar-siar di taman berdekatan. Sesungguhnya suasana disitu memang lain daripada tempat bencana, tetapi semua babak mutakaddim itu masih segar dalam ingatan. Aku sambil jalan sambil membayangkan tragedy ngeri itu serta taulanku yang selalu bersama-sama dalam melakukan segala jenis aktiviti. Aku begitu mengharapkan semua kenangan manis itu akan kembali kepada aku dalam dunia realiti. Semasa aku berehat dibawah sebuah pohon yang redup, pandanganku bagai terlihat wajar yang simile dengan Mei Mei. “Adakah itu Mei Mei? Bukankah dia sudah mati? Tak mungkin! Tak mungkin! Hakikatnya dia sudah tiada lagi.” Aku mengertak pada diriku sambil tertanya-tanya pada diriku. Maklumlah orang sekeliling menganggapku ini darat. Hairannya, budak perempuan yang serupa dengan muka Mei Mei itu datang memegang tanganku- “Bang! Abang masih ingat aku tak?” Aku tersentak mendengar budak perempuan itu memanggil aku abang, kalaulah itu Mei Mei, tidak mungkin dia akan memanggil aku begitu. Aku mengangkat kepala dan menatap wajarnya dengan jelas sekali, rupa-rupanya dia adalah adik perempuan Mei Mei. Bertapa gembira aku melihat kemunculannya. Sedangkan Mei Mei sudah tiada lagi di dunia ini, tetapi adiknya masih hidup. Rasanya, semua ini telah ditakdirkan.

Setelah bersembang panjang dibawah pohon yang redup, tut-tut, aku teringat pula akan ahli keluargaku. Entah kenapa aku terasa ada sahaja sesuatu yang tidak kena. Aku segera meminta pertolongan daripada pihak hospital untuk mengesan identiti papa dan mama aku, harap-harap aku tidak akan menerima tamparan hebat lagi. Pada mulanya, mereka gagal mencari maklumat berkaitan dengan papa dan mama aku, namun aku tidak pernah melepaskan segala cerlak yang ada. Aku tidak pernah mutung untuk mencuba segala jenis cara yang ada untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan kedua-dua orang tuaku. Aku tidak menyalahi pihak hospital yang gagal mengesan mereka, kerana mereka telah cuba segala swadaya yang ada untuk membantu aku. Sebaliknya, aku amat beterima kasih atas kerelaan mereka dalam membantu semua mangsa gempar bumi tanpa banyak soal.

Selepas tiga hari berturut-turut ahli paramedik mencari orang tuaku, akhirnya mereka telah berjaya mengesan kedudukan sebenarnya. Perasaan gembira yang tak terhingga itu sukar dijelaskan ketika itu, aku hanya dapat menunggu ahli paramedik membawa mereka ke sisiku.Begitu juga dengan adik Mei Mei, Mei Man. Kami berdua duduk sambil terkelap, lalu berjalan-jalan di sekitar hospital untuk menunggu ketibaan ibu bapa masing-masing. Sebentar itu, kelihatan sebuah kereta hitam muncul di pintu masuk. Kami berdua bergegas kearah kereta itu lalu menjerit-jerit akan ibu bapa masing-masing. Alangkah terkejutnya apabila dua orang lelaki mengusungkan empat mayat yang ditutupi dengan rahap. “Mereka sudah meninggalkan kami?” air mataku dan Mei Man terus berlinangan ke sisi pipi kemudian diikuti dengan tangisan teresak-esak.

“Dik, adik…Usah menangis, lihat betul-betul…” Kata seorang abang.

Kami berdua bangat-bangat mengesat air mata lalu menatap dengan mata terbeliak akan kempat-empat mayat itu. Isyah-Allah…keluh Mei Man. “ Itu bukan papa dan mama kami bang, itu jiran tetangga kami! Ya Allah! Aku hampir rebah ketika mengecam akan mayat itu, rupa paras mereka sudah berbeza dengan apa yang pernah kami temui sebelum itu, mata mereka sudah reput dan kaki serta tangan menjadi dengkang-dengkol. Rasanya amat menjijikan dan mengermangkan aku. AKu pejam mata dan tarik nafas sedalam-dalamnya, sejurus itu, datang pula sebuah kereta ambulans, sekali lagi, kami berdua berkejaran ke arah ambulans untuk melihat mangsa seterusnya.

Aku langsung tidak tefikir dalam kereta ambulans itulah terbawa orang yang kami nanti-nantikan. Apabila pintu kereta dibuka, papa dan mama aku terus berpaut kuat pada tubuhku. Itulah saat-saat yang paling bermakna dalam hidupku kerana aku berpeluang bersama dengan ahli keluarga yang tersayang. Mei Man turut menangis teresak-esak setelah melihat ibu bapanya muncul dari kereta ambulans itu. Yang bezanya Cuma dia telah kehilangan seorang kakak. Tanpa berlengah, kami semua menuju ke bilik rawatan. Sepertimana yang diarahkan oleh seorang jururawat.

Memang rasa leganya setelah diberitahu bahawa ibu bapa kami berdua hanya mengalami kecederaan ringan, lalu dibenarkan pulang selepas dua hari. Walaupun kami telah kehilangan harta benda dan tempat kediaman, tetapi itu tidak menjadi teraha untuk kami teruskan hidup. Yang pentingnya orang tersayangku masih berada di sisi, segala-galanya akan bisa dibereskan dengan usaha yang berterusan. Setelah lapan bulan bertungkus-lumus di tempat tinggal baru yang diagihkan oleh kerajaan, akhirnya, kami berjaya mengusahakan lagi sebuah ladang yang agak besar sebagai sumber pendapatan bulanan untuk membeli barangan kegunaan harian dan persekolahan aku dan Mei Man. Pada masa senggang, aku akan menemani Mei Man ke taman berdekatan untuk bermain dan bersiar-siar disitu. Semua keadaan yang kacau-bilau dan perasaan ghobar itu kembali seperti sediakala.

(2039 patah perkataan)

Karya daripada:

Kevin Davidson Dé Joseph Jee Chee Liong